Trump Challenges Biden to a Showdown at the White House


As the political landscape heats up, President Trump has once again made headlines with a bold move. In a daring tweet, the leader of the conservative movement has thrown down the gauntlet, challenging his rival, Joe Biden, to a primetime debate at the White House. The offer includes a generous week for the former Vice President to prepare for what is sure to be a showdown of epic proportions.

For many conservatives, this move by President Trump is a clear display of his strength and confidence. Despite the relentless attacks from the left, the President remains undaunted and ready to face his opponent head-on. And what better place to do so than in the very heart of American democracy – the White House.

With the country still reeling from the effects of the pandemic and civil unrest, the American people are in desperate need of strong leadership. And President Trump has proven time and time again that he is more than capable of providing it. This debate will give him the perfect platform to showcase his unwavering commitment to putting America first and restoring law and order to our nation.

Moreover, by hosting the debate at the White House, President Trump is sending a clear message to the American people that he is not afraid to confront the issues that are plaguing our country. Unlike his opponent, who has been hiding in his basement and avoiding tough questions, President Trump is willing to have an open and honest discussion on the important topics facing our nation.

But this debate is not just about showcasing his own strengths, it is also an opportunity for President Trump to expose the flaws and weaknesses of his opponent. Joe Biden has been in politics for decades, yet his record is marred with failures and questionable decisions. The American people deserve to see these truths brought to light and what better place to do so than at the White House, the symbol of American democracy.

As the date of the proposed debate draws near, the excitement among conservatives is palpable. They see this as a chance for President Trump to once again prove why he is the best choice for America's future. And with the President's offer to allow a week for his opponent to prepare, it is clear that he is confident in his ability to take on any challenge that comes his way.

In the end, this debate will not only be a test of strength and courage for both candidates, but it will also be a defining moment in this election.

The American people will have the opportunity to see firsthand the stark contrast between the two candidates and make an informed decision on who they want to lead our country forward. And for conservatives, it will be a chance to show their unwavering support for President Trump and his unwavering commitment to making America great again.

What are YOUR thoughts on the debate?

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  1. Trump does not know how to have a debate. That is not his plan. It will be an attack of unreasonable remarks and subjects. He is not great for America, in fact he’s not even a good American. Just another episode of the pranks that he loves to try to cause more hate and confusion. He is such an embarrassment to the United States of America.

    • Can you prove your point? I do not know you or how old you are! But I suggest you come out and prove your point! Show us that your words has meaning that is truth! I am a man from the days when thing were started to change for ALL AMERICANS! Until that day Bill Clinton enter office! After that day I have witness the attack on American people from the government side! For one our education was the best in the world! There proof! Two the change made to change our history started right there in Clinton years! There nothing that you could tell me that was done by the Clonton, Democrat politicians, Bush Jr, Obama, and now Biden. That has made the country come together and build it into a country where EVERY MAN HAS A RIGHTS TO USE HIS GOD GIVEN BRAIN AND KNOWLEDGE. For the first time we saw TRUMP show how CORRUPT THE CONGRESS WAS , SINCE THEY CONTROL THE GOVERNMENT THEY DONE NOTHING BUT TAXES US TO FUND PROGRAM THAT ARE PART OF THEIR CAMPAIGN DONOR. And we have watch them driven business out of America for cheaper labor! All due to TAXES THAT WAS NEEDED TO HELP THOSE COMPANY THAT FUNDS THEIR CAMPAIGN! NOT one of these companies has done anything to improve the economy or lives of the people!

  2. This is great but make sure there’s no vice of any sort in biden’s ears to have answers prompted to him. No wires, buds, etc. and trump has to check the audience to see if any communication is going on to him from there.

  3. The people who hold the debate should be selected by both campaigns and question should be agreed on by both campaignss as well as No devices in the ear and no assistance in answering the questions.

  4. Biden is no match for any candidate. With lies spread about a cognitive decline in Trump’s mental state. This debate will clear the air on this lie.
    Go for it!!

  5. The closest Trump should be allowed to the White House is the White House Outhouse. Remember, I don’t believe that Trump ever conceded the 2020 election. If he wins in 2024, he plans to rewrite history so that history will say that he won in 2020. But, to do so, he will have to destroy the Constitution. Trump will eliminate democracy in the USA and the populace will be left with a mega authoritarian. Ergo, Trump should not be allowed in the White House again. Sacrilege of the USA and White House Histories.

    • WHO feeding you lies? It sure sounds like you do not have a clue about anything you posted! First Trump is NOT TRYING TO DESTORY THE CONSTITUTION LAWS! Did you miss that it already being destroyed by BIDEN AND DEMOCRATS POLITICIANS! Everyday they are violation the constitution laws for TYRANNICAL! So shut up til you get your head out of your butt! Or should I say the far left wing lies? Do you know what the word DEMOCRACY MEAN? If you don’t find a dictionary and read what it mean! But here a.clue! It MEAN BIG GOVERNMENT! Is that what you support? So you are the problem like a lot of dumb people who refused to learn what the FOUNDING FATHER WERE TELLING US! America is NOT A DEMOCRACY COUNTRY! But a country of LAWS! BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE! WHICH MADE IT A REPUBLIC COUNTRY! The only fools that are destroyed the CONSTITUTION IS DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS AND BIDEN!

  6. Whatch out President Trump, Ibet that the Dems will have the judge that is responsible for the Stormy D.s trial, will have Trump locked up for violating his gag order so that Sleepy J can say that Rump won’t debate him. WE will know the truth and will not accept this fowl play.

  7. Yes, there should be a debate but the debate should not happen until after the Democratic Convention. Let’s wait and see if Biden will even be the Democratic candidate. I have great doubts that he will be.

    GO TRUMP 2024

  8. The best solution would be THE PEOPLE ASKING THE QUESTION! Not the media! Everyone know what going on in this country. And everyone has a rights to be part of this debate! NO MEDIA, NOT ANYONE WHO WORK FOR THE MEDIA! JUST STANDARD PEOPLE WHO WANT OR HAVE QUESTION THEY WOULD LIKE TO ASKED! That way NOBODY CAN FEED BIDEN OR TRUMP THE ANSWER! And it the way we can WATCH THE MEDIA CUT OFF THE MIC 🎤! Just to claim a commercial break! To cover up any response that BIDEN MIGHT NOT KNOW HOW TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS!


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