Chicago Calls for Pause on Migrant Influx: A Plea for the City’s Forgotten Poor and Homeless


In a bold move that has captured the attention of many, a prominent Chicago activist has issued a clarion call to the city’s leadership, urging a temporary halt to the acceptance of migrants. This plea comes amidst growing concerns that the needs of the city’s own impoverished and homeless populations are being overshadowed by the efforts to accommodate new arrivals.

Tio Hardiman, a respected figure in community activism and the Executive Director of Violence Interrupters, has taken a stand, requesting Mayor Brandon Johnson to consider a moratorium on migrants. Hardiman’s request is not without reason; it stems from a deep concern for the welfare of Chicagoans who have long been battling poverty and homelessness, only to find themselves further marginalized in the wake of recent migration trends.

The financial toll of supporting the influx of migrants is staggering, with Chicago reportedly spending close to $2 billion. This expenditure covers a wide array of services including healthcare, education, and housing. Specifically, over $1 billion has been allocated for healthcare costs, with an additional $120 million directed towards English as a Second Language (ESL) programs in public schools, and nearly $900 million spent on housing, food, and legal resources.

The situation has sparked outrage among city officials, with Alderman Anthony Beale vocally criticizing the city’s allocation of approximately $9,000 per month in various forms of assistance to illegal immigrants. This generous provision of resources to non-citizens starkly contrasts with the struggles faced by native Chicagoans, many of whom grapple with securing basic necessities.

In an interview, Hardiman highlighted the disparity, pointing out the lack of similar efforts to mobilize resources for the city’s poor and homeless citizens, irrespective of their race or ethnicity. He emphasized the unfairness of providing substantial aid to individuals who have not entered the country through legal means, while native residents struggle to achieve milestones such as renting their first apartment or owning a car.

Hardiman’s stance is clear: while he does not advocate for handouts, he believes that if assistance is to be given, it should prioritize those who are already part of the community and in dire need.

This perspective resonates with a broader sentiment that laws governing immigration must be respected and adhered to, ensuring that aid is distributed in a manner that is both fair and lawful.

The ongoing debate in Chicago reflects a larger national conversation about immigration, resource allocation, and the responsibilities of cities to their residents. As the city navigates these complex issues, Hardiman’s call for a moratorium serves as a poignant reminder of the need to balance compassion with practicality, ensuring that the welfare of all Chicagoans is safeguarded.